Legs floating in Water

Floating is More Than Just Floating.


During waking hours, the human brain uses over 80% of its capacity to mentally process exterior stimuli. And now that we can no longer imagine life without our smartphones and computers, we are continually exposed to a flood of sensory stimuli, whether we are aware of it or not.

This sensory overload overwhelms our bodies and causes stress. Floating is one of the most effective ways of releasing physical and mental stress. As you float, your consciousness disconnects from all sensory perceptions. No gravity, no bodily position, no sound, no visual stimuli, no temperature fluctuations. The burden of your own body weight falls away, and body and mind experience a deep state of relaxation.

Floating also relieves the spine, muscles and joints, as well as the inner organs. It boosts our immune system, balances the pH value in case of excess acidity, assists in eliminating the body’s own toxic biochemicals and helps us find our rhythm again, even when jetlagged. This is achieved through the release of endorphins, which helps synchronise the left and right hemispheres of our brain, improves our imagination, increases our creativity and productivity, and facilitates all kinds of meditative exercises. Floating also promotes faster elimination of lactic acid, thereby significantly reducing muscle tension and strain. By lowering lactate levels, floating has a very beneficial effect on the nerves, strategic thinking and mental clarity.

The special floating effect generated by the high saline content of the water relaxes the spine, muscles and joints.

During floating, the body adopts a position in which all the neck vertebrae are completely supported without twisting or pressure points. This can also provide relief for chronic back pain as tense muscles are permanently loosened and relaxed.

Floating promotes immediate muscle regeneration in case of sore muscles or after intense physical effort and helps to relax hardened or shortened muscles that trigger nerve-related pain such as sciatic pain.

Floating boosts the release of endorphins, which results in heightened well-being.

Floating has a positive, soothing effect on the skin (e.g. psoriasis, neurodermatitis, acne) and is therefore suitable for treating various skin disorders. The skin absorbs the minerals from the special salts (Epsom salts), which reinforces the healing process. Magnesium in particular can be absorbed much better through the skin and has a notable anti-inflammatory effect.

Pregnant women will really enjoy the benefits of floating, especially if they have back pain. We recommend that pregnant women do floating sessions after the first trimester for weight relief or, after the seventh month, to encourage the baby to turn into the head position, which will be easier because the foetus also experiences greater freedom of movement during floating.

Floating is excellent for recovering from pregnancy, correcting any spinal misalignment and stimulating the production of milk.

The relaxation achieved through floating slows down the pulse rate and dilates the blood and capillary vessels, thereby lowering high blood pressure and increasing blood flow to all cells.

Floating increases the body’s natural immune functions.

Floating significantly reduces chronic pain (e.g. migraine) and improves rheumatic complaints.

Floating stimulates the body to release endorphins which reduce pain and trigger euphoric feelings. Floating accelerates the healing process, especially for sports injuries.

Floating aids rehabilitation after surgery (e.g. artificial joints) and healing processes (e.g. whiplash, broken bones). It relieves herniated discs, joint pain, sciatica, lumbago, strains, sprains and bruises.

During physical training, the muscles are stimulated at high intensity. But muscle strengthening and growth occur almost exclusively during phases of relaxation. The experience of weightlessness through floating provides deep relaxation for all the muscle groups. So floating after intense training can contribute greatly to muscle regeneration.

Most sports injuries are not caused by direct physical contact, but through incorrect muscle tension, stretches or strains. Relaxed muscles are the best way of avoiding this kind of injury. Floating helps significantly in preventing sports injuries of this type.

Floating reduces the symptoms of jet lag.

Floating complements autogenic training and superlearning. Floating synchronises the two hemispheres of your brain, i.e. coordinates the brainwave patterns of the right and left hemispheres. This leads to a more integral approach where you combine intuitive and logical elements to arrive at a more comprehensive and effective way of acting.

Floating offsets the overstimulation associated with our environment. This slows down your metabolism and reduces stress. It also reduces stress-related biochemicals in your bloodstream such as cortisol, ACTH, lactate and adrenaline. Your resistance to stress will be maintained over a period of several days.

A scientific study shows that after just a few sessions, floating has a marked positive effect on the duration and quality of sleep.

Relaxation and sensory deprivation prompt the body to release more of its own natural opiates – leading to a clearer, more efficient mind as well as a more confident, more optimistic outlook. Floating can be an integral part of the psychotherapeutic process in treating psychosomatic illness.

Floating calms your nervous system in the long term. This reinforces your resistance to stress and protects you from burnout.

The relaxation gained from floating enhances your ability to concentrate, whilst also increasing your creativity and productivity.

In an environment where you are completely free, with no need to control anything at all, floating helps you achieve clarity with regard to your thoughts and gives you the time you need to solve issues and problems.

Floating is not recommended:

  • if you have extensive neurodermatitis, unhealed scars or major skin injuries,
  • if you suffer from sea sickness,
  • if you have untreated epilepsy,
  • if you have difficulty breathing, acute asthma attacks or sleep apnoea,
  • if you are under the influence of drugs, alcohol or strong medication,
  • if you have the flu (viral infection) or bronchitis,
  • at the height of menstruation,
  • if you are incontinent,
  • in case of chronic kidney dysfunction and/or
  • with freshly dyed or tinted hair, as discolouration may occur.

Please check with your doctor if:

  • you suffer from heart disease or are currently on dialysis,
  • you have serious skin problems,
  • you have open wounds or burns,
  • you suffer from epilepsy and/or
  • are currently receiving psychiatric treatment.